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Curriculum Vitae GoeunLee

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Artist Goeun Lee

2016, Glasgow School of Art, UK (MLitt of Fine art Major in Photography and moving image)
2013, Hongik University, Graduate School of Industrial Arts, Korea,(Master of Fine art Major in Photographic design)
2004, Seoul Institute of Arts, Korea(Associate degree in Arts, Major in Photography)
SOLO Exhibition
2023, Vanish and exist, Schedule cheongdam, Seoul
2023, Vanish and exist, Kimbosung art center, Seoul
2016, Belt competition 2016, Gallery Now, Seoul
2013,『The Flowers, Exploded』, Gana art space, Seoul
GROUP Exhibition
2023, Jakarta fashion week, Senayan City Fashion Atrium, Jakarta
2023, Seoul fashion week, DDP, Seoul
2023,『Again, with photography 』,Daegu photo Biennale, Daegu art center, Daegu
2022, Time: Change and memory, Chungmuro Gallery, Seoul
2022, Duo exhibition, Cultive, Bundang
2021, PHOTO SHIFT, Kimbosung art center, Seoul
2021, Flowery, WHYART Gallery, Seoul
2019,‘PAK GILJOO x  LEE GOEUN’, Duo exhibition, AIN Gallery, Busan
2018, Art Asia x Art edition, KINTEX, Ilsan
2018, THE SHIFT, Gallery Parkyoung, Paju
2018, Gallery Parkyoung shift, Gyoha art center, Paju
2017, PPAM, Bluesqure, Seoul
2016, 2016 Mlitt show, Tontine building, Glasgow
2016, Affordable art fair,DDP, Seoul
2015,『Artspace J Show』, Artspa   ce J, Bundang
2014,『In Wonderland』,Spielplatz Hahn, Seoul
2014, Young Artist Exhibition, Gallery A-Cube, Seoul
2014,『3』,Spielplatz Hahn, Seoul
2014,『Wonder Land』,Seojin Ar tspace,Seoul
2014,『Pieces of Floating』, SamCheong Gallery, Seoul
2014, AHAF Hong Kong 2014, Marco Polo, Hong Kong
2014, AHAF Hong Kong 2014 Young Artist Exhibition, Keumsan Gallery, Seoul
2013,『Desires』, Artspace J, Bundang
2013,『Art vision』 , Onnuri, Seoul
2009,『Post-Photo』, Topohouse, Seoul
2008,『Post-Photo』, Topohouse, Seoul
2023,『Again, with photography 』,Daegu photo Biennale, Daegu art center, Daegu
2022, Kimbosung art center photography award, Seoul
2022, 3th FNK photography award, FOTOMA, Seoul
2018, Now YoungArtist,Gallery Now, Seoul
2016, Belt Competition 2016, Korea Print Photography Promotion Association
2014, AHAF Young artists Contest, AHAF HONG KONG
2016, 글래스고 스쿨 오브 아트 석사 졸업
2013, 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 사진디자인전공 졸업
2004, 서울예술대학교 사진과 졸업
SOLO Exhibition
2023, Vanish and exist, 스케줄청담, 서울
2023, Vanish and exist, 금보성아트센터, 서울
2016, Belt competition 2016, 갤러리나우, 서울
2013,『The Flowers, Exploded』, 가나아트스페이스, 서울
GROUP Exhibition
2023, Jakarta fashion week, Senayan City Fashion Atrium, 자카르타
2023, Seoul fashion week, DDP, 서울
2022, 시간:변화와 기억 , 충무로갤러리, 서울
2022, 이고은 외 2인전, 컬티브, 분당
2021, 포토시프트, 금보성아트센터, 서울
2021,‘꽃스럽다’, 와이아트갤러리,서울
2019,‘박길주, 이고은 2인’展, 아인갤러리, 부산
2018, 아트아시아2018 아트에디션,Kintex, 일산
2018, The shift, 갤러리박영, 파주
2018, 화랑미술제, COEX, 서울
2018, 갤러리박영 시프트전시, 교하아트센터, 파주
2017, PPAM, 블루스퀘어, 서울
2016, Mlitt show,Tontine building,글래스고
2016, Affordable art fair, DDP,서울
2016, 화랑미술제, COEX, 서울
2015,『김대리 사진 사러가는날』 기획전, 아트스페이스제이, 분당
2014,『In Wonderland』,Spielplatz Hahn, 서울
2014, 신진작가공모전, A-Cube 갤러리,서울
2014, 신진작가공모전 『3』,Spielplatz Hahn, 서울
2014,『Wonder Land』개관기념기획전, 서진아트스페이스, 서울
2014,『부유의 조각들 』 초대전, 삼청갤러리, 서울
2014, AHAF Hong Kong 2014, Marco Polo, 홍콩
2014, AHAF Hong Kong 2014 공모전 당선자 그룹전, 금산갤러리, 서울
2013,『Desires』 초대전,아트스페이스 제이, 분당
2013,『Art vision』, 온누리, 서울
2009,『Post-Photo』, 토포하우스, 서울
2008,『Post-Photo』, 토포하우스, 서울
2023,『다시 사진으로』대구사진비엔날레, 대구문화예술회관, 대구
2023, 금보성아트센터 해외 사진공모 수상, 금보성아트센터,서울
2022, 제3회 FNK해외평론가상, 포토마, 서울
2018, Now Young Artist, 갤러리나우, 서울
2016, Belt Competition 2016, (사) 한국판화사진진흥협회(ART EDITION), 서울
2014, AHAF Young Artist Contest, AHAF HONG KONG, 홍콩